Daily affirmation cards | Lunchbox ideas for kids

School is back for many of us or is certainly on a road map to return soon and I dont know about you but my household is a little topsy-turvy on the topic. There is certainly great excitement from the kids to be back playing with their pals again but it comes with mixed emotions. We've been under heavy covid-19 lockdown restrictions for the best part of 10 weeks so there is bound to be apprehension in returning to school.

That apprehension applies to parents, guardians and our little ones. The comfort of knowing your little one is cocooned and safe with you at home feels very secure, I feel a little lost without having my little one pulling at my arm a million times a day for snacks 😆. She has driven me around the bend while I tried to work from home and home school (ok, do some home work when I can) but I kinda miss her annoying me. I certainly miss the lunch chats as I've nobody to have lunch with now. Maybe this topsy-turvy feeling is actually just me!

I've made myself feel a little bit better by adding our happy affirmation cards into my daughters lunch box as a little reminder to her that mammy is thinking of her and sending loads of love. I know it will give her encouragement and a big smile to get her through her day. It's such a heart warming but simple thing to do that will have an immediate benefit to their emotional wellbeing.

We've seen that positive reinforcement increases childrens self esteem. Childrens negative thoughts about themselves can be supported with our daily affirmation cards to encourage a more positive mindset. Who doesn't want that for their child.

So, every day when I'm thinking of what I'm going to put in her lunchbox (does anyone else dread that task?, trying to mix it up. I wish there was an aisle dedicated to it in the supermarket that I could just buy all the great little snacks to keep her nutrition up), the one piece I know is definitely going in is one of our happy little affirmation cards.

PS: Don't panic, I sliced my grapes into halves 😉