Activities for anxious kids during lockdown | Supporting my children's emotions, and mine
Just like us adults, our kiddies are having a roller coaster of emotions during this pandemic too. But in many cases, our kids don't have the words to articulate what they're feeling. In my house it manifests with tears (lots of them), for reasons that I sometimes see as being insignificant and totally irrational. But the more I've watched, thought and tried to understand their feelings I've realised that alot of it is frustration, a need to let off steam, a longing for friends and grand parents. When I sit and hug it out, acknowledge the feeling, sympathise with them and share with them that I feel all that too it tends to settle the anxiety. Empathy is a very powerful tool. The ability to acknowledge, share, support, encourage and be just interested in their moment and their feeling.
I've a basic little toolkit that are miracle workers for improving my little ones moods and increasing serotonin. Im so conscious of how this past year is affecting them. I'm probably over thinking it but the long term affects on our kids from distancing and isolating really worries me. I know that they are resilient and they'll bounce back but in my head its hard to imagine things being 'normal' again.
Anyway, to get my kids out of their heads, of feeling fed up and anxious or teary we:
Get out for fresh air, sunshine, muddy puddles, roll down a grassy hill, feed the ducks, go on our bike or a scooter. It doesn't really matter what it is we do as long as there is fresh air. It blows the cob webs off. I find if there is a day we haven't gotten outside there is more tears and a tougher/longer bedtime process. And that includes the adults 🙃.
Music; I'd play it all day long if I wasn't working in the office on calls. Music is an instant mood lifter in our house. It typically leads to laughing, especially when the kids break out the dance moves 🤣.
Chill, meditate, yoga; whatever it is that your family does to chill out. I found a great kids meditation series that we use before bedtime. I needed an alternative to the TV and tablets and I actually got benefit from it too. An instant calming effect to get your brain to calm down. Win, win.
Books; we love books in the evening but sometimes I really just want someone to read to me rather than me being 'on' all the time. Emily has started reading for her little brother. Well; she's 5 so technically she can't read yet but she uses her imagination and the pictures to guide the story. And she feels super for being the big sister, reading the story herself and all the feel good emotions that come with the achievement. Again, win win.
Games; snap, hide and seek, board games, jigsaws, whatever it is your family do for games. I even managed to find one at Christmas that my 2 smallies could set up and play without any assistance from an adult. Its nice to all do a family game together but when you find something they can set up and play without having one of us get roped in its a win too.
These might seem like basic things, and what you already know and practice. Sometimes its just the basics that we need. The simple stuff has helped us through the last few months and my little ones are better now, mentally, than they've been for a large proportion of last year.
I hope that wherever you are, what ever you're doing, you are OK. Ive used this post to talk about smallies and their moods and emotions but if im honest all these things have worked for me too. As with our cards, they apply to the child in us. So go have some fun, it might just make you feel good.
Todays affirmation card: I AM CREATIVE
In a world of colour, stand out and be the brightest 🥰.
Make a gift for someone
Emily has made a cardboard family car out of a delivery box for her and her brother. 20 minutes for a cup of tea for mammy 😆.
#mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #getoutdoors #supportsmallbusiness #supportirish #alwaysremembertobekind #backtobasics #mindyourmind #iamaffirmations #iamfun #innerchild #bekind #pandemic #wellbeing #mammyguilt #mumlife #mumsinbusiness #childrenswellbeing #childrenspositivitycards #positivemindset #positivequotes #saturdaythoughts #moodbooster #improveyourmood #anxiety #affirmationcardsforkids #affirmations #dailyaffirmations #childrensaffirmations
I've a basic little toolkit that are miracle workers for improving my little ones moods and increasing serotonin. Im so conscious of how this past year is affecting them. I'm probably over thinking it but the long term affects on our kids from distancing and isolating really worries me. I know that they are resilient and they'll bounce back but in my head its hard to imagine things being 'normal' again.
Anyway, to get my kids out of their heads, of feeling fed up and anxious or teary we:
Get out for fresh air, sunshine, muddy puddles, roll down a grassy hill, feed the ducks, go on our bike or a scooter. It doesn't really matter what it is we do as long as there is fresh air. It blows the cob webs off. I find if there is a day we haven't gotten outside there is more tears and a tougher/longer bedtime process. And that includes the adults 🙃.
Music; I'd play it all day long if I wasn't working in the office on calls. Music is an instant mood lifter in our house. It typically leads to laughing, especially when the kids break out the dance moves 🤣.
Chill, meditate, yoga; whatever it is that your family does to chill out. I found a great kids meditation series that we use before bedtime. I needed an alternative to the TV and tablets and I actually got benefit from it too. An instant calming effect to get your brain to calm down. Win, win.
Books; we love books in the evening but sometimes I really just want someone to read to me rather than me being 'on' all the time. Emily has started reading for her little brother. Well; she's 5 so technically she can't read yet but she uses her imagination and the pictures to guide the story. And she feels super for being the big sister, reading the story herself and all the feel good emotions that come with the achievement. Again, win win.
Games; snap, hide and seek, board games, jigsaws, whatever it is your family do for games. I even managed to find one at Christmas that my 2 smallies could set up and play without any assistance from an adult. Its nice to all do a family game together but when you find something they can set up and play without having one of us get roped in its a win too.
These might seem like basic things, and what you already know and practice. Sometimes its just the basics that we need. The simple stuff has helped us through the last few months and my little ones are better now, mentally, than they've been for a large proportion of last year.
I hope that wherever you are, what ever you're doing, you are OK. Ive used this post to talk about smallies and their moods and emotions but if im honest all these things have worked for me too. As with our cards, they apply to the child in us. So go have some fun, it might just make you feel good.
Todays affirmation card: I AM CREATIVE
In a world of colour, stand out and be the brightest 🥰.
Make a gift for someone
Emily has made a cardboard family car out of a delivery box for her and her brother. 20 minutes for a cup of tea for mammy 😆.

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #getoutdoors #supportsmallbusiness #supportirish #alwaysremembertobekind #backtobasics #mindyourmind #iamaffirmations #iamfun #innerchild #bekind #pandemic #wellbeing #mammyguilt #mumlife #mumsinbusiness #childrenswellbeing #childrenspositivitycards #positivemindset #positivequotes #saturdaythoughts #moodbooster #improveyourmood #anxiety #affirmationcardsforkids #affirmations #dailyaffirmations #childrensaffirmations